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ZNZ Science & Drinks

Science Quiz

Tuesday, 28.01.2025, 18:15


Campus Irchel

Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057  Zurich

Building Y11-J50

Next Event

Science Quiz

Grab a beer and show what you know about science and nature!





Venue: Department of Molecular Life Science at Irchel Campus

Irchel Campus, where the seminar takes place.

Nächstes Treffen
A Meet-Up of Zurich's Neuroscientists
Armin Curt and Jürg Dinner talk about Science Communication


The ZNZ Science & Drinks Seminar Series is an open regular event, where people, enthusiastic about neuroscience can get to know each other.

It takes place on the

last Tuesday of every month in a semester.


Anybody is welcome!


In the seminar snacks are provided and drinks can be bought for a small compensation (~1 CHF) while the seminar content alternates:

  • Ph.D. students and Post-Docs present their work to others and get to hear fresh perspectives on their work, while the audience get to know Zurich's research sphere


  • We interview and have an open discussion with people that have established themselves in research and/or industry about specific topics, e.g. creativity in science, diversity in science, or science communication.



About Us

The Science & Drinks Seminar was founded by 6 Ph.D. Students shortly after enrolling at the doctoral program of the Neuroscience Center Zurich.

Their aim was to connect neuroscience Ph.D. students scattered across the city, sometimes in labs isolated from larger university buildings.

The idea is to use the shared passion in neuroscience to get to know other people and their work. 

Everybody is welcome!

The Science & Drinks Seminar is organized by:



ETH Dept. Health Sciences and Technology

UZH Brain Research Institute

UZH Institute for Regenerative Medicine

UZH Spinal Cord Injury Center

UZH Dept. Molecular Life Sciences

Nora Moser

Nasrin Bollmohr

Lennart Carlson Neumann  

Beatriz Achón Buil

Arthur Levasseur

Alina Marinescu

UZH Department of Neurology

Founders of the ZNZ Science & Drinks Seminar Series

UZH Brain Research Institute

Vladyslav Korobeynyk


Selection of past events


Topic: Women in Science

Prof. Dr. Francesca Peri

UZH Dpt. Molecular Life Sciences

Dr. Shuting Han

UZH Brain Research Institute


Robot Psychology

Dr. Ali Özgür Argunşa

UZH Brain Research Institute


The neural seat of emotion

Dr. Tevye Stachniak

UZH Brain Research Institute


Topic: Bridging the gap between scientific insight and societal benefit

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin E. Schwab

UZH Brain Research Institute & President NovaGo Therapeutics

Dr. Moritz Thielen

CTO - IDUN Technologies

Simon Bachmann

Co-Founder & CEO - IDUN Technologies


Studying PNS Development in 3D

Severino Thomasin

UZH Dpt. Molecular Life Sciences



Error 404: Fellowship not found - A guide to academic funding

Dr. Yusaku Hontani

Human Frontier Science Program Fellow

Margaux Quiniou

Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation Fellow


Setting up your own lab

Prof. Dr. Fritjof Helmchen

Director of UZH Brain Research Institute

Dr. Marie Labouesse

ETH Translational Nutrition Biology Lab


Topic: Creativity in Science

Dr. Maria Wilhelm

ETH Dpt. Health Sciences and Technology, Artist

Dr. Marco Garbelli

UZH Center for Microscopy, Freelance Science Visual Artist


Topic: Science Communication

Prof. Dr. med. Armin Curt

Director of UZH Spinal Cord Injury Center

Jürg Dinner

Head of Communications, UZH


The troubleshooting guide for a human in vitro model  of synaptic plasticity

Marta Brasili

UZH Dpt. Molecular Life Sciences


DBS-based Neurofeedback in Parkinson's Disease

Lena Salzmann

ETH Rehabilitation Engineering Lab


The role of oligodendrocytes in painful diabetic neuropathy

Marta Anna Mazurkiewicz

UZH Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology


Virtual Reality - Concept and Application in neurological care and research

Lennart C. Neumann

UZH Spinal Cord Injury Center & 

ETH Dpt. Health Sciences and Technology


Event-based seizure detection in iEEG using neuromorphic processing

Flavia Davidhi

ETH Dpt. Health Sciences and Technology


Virtual Reality and Psychoplastogens: Paving the Way toward Pharmacologically Augmented VR Treatments

Hector Taylor

Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich

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